21  Principal component analysis

Datasets are said to be high-dimensional when several quantitative (or categorical) variables are recorded for each observation. Visualizing these datasets can be challenging, because visualizations work best with two dimensions and it is difficult to visualize 4 or more dimensions simultaneously. Many plots of pairs of variables can be displayed, but these projections require the viewer to try to reconstruct complex interactions among variables. Ordination is a suite of techniques for creating projections of high-dimensional data, usually in 2 or 3 dimensions. The name refers to the goal of ordering observations in a two dimensional plane so that observations which are close in the high-dimensional space are still close in the projected 2-dimensional space. Not all features of the original dataset can be maintained – information is lost – so some care must be taken when interpreting ordination plots. In this course we will examine Principal Component Analysis (in this lesson) and metric and non-metric dimensional analysis (in the next). There are many other techniques for dimensionality reduction.

Principal component analysis (from now on, PCA) defines new variables which are weighted sums (a.k.a. linear combinations) of variables in your data. These sums are called principal components. The principal components can be used as new axes for your data, defining new coordinates for each point. The underlying transformation is a rotation (and usually a scaling) which is used to form a new coordinate system. The coordinate along each axis is known as the first, second, etc., principal component. The rotation is chosen to maximize the variance in the first principal component. The second principal component is perpendicular to the first, but chosen so that as much of the remaining variation as possible is along that axis. And so on. In this way you can select as many of the first few principal components as you like to have a smaller set of variables that represent as much of the variation in the original data as possible.

If you have studied linear algebra, you will want to know that the principal component analysis is performed with the following steps:

The eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors are sorted from largest to smallest. The proportion of the variance explained by each principal component is proportional to the eigenvalues. The rotation matrix is the orthogonal matrix composed of these eigenvalues. This is explained in our applied linear algebra course (Math 2040) in section 11.12 of Peter Selinger’s textbook.

21.1 Example

A simple example in two dimensions is really helpful. No one does PCA on two variables, because you can just plot the data in a normal scatterplot, but as a demonstration it shows how the principal components are chosen.

First, let’s look at a regular scatterplot of two variables that have a reasonably strong linear relationship. I’ve used coord_fixed to force the same scale on the vertical and horizontal axes, to make this plot easier to compare with the next plot we will draw.

cars %>% ggplot(aes(x=speed, y=dist)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed()

Now let’s perform the PCA. There are three results: the amount of variation accounted for by each principal component, the directions of the principal components along each of the original axes, and the coordinates of the observations along the principal component axes.

pca1 <- cars %>% prcomp()

The tidy functions let you obtain

  • the percent of the total variance projected along (“explained by”) each principal component (determined by the eigenvalues)
  • the directions of the original axes along the new principal component axes (rotation)
  • the original data transformed to the new principal component axes (scores)
pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "eigenvalues") |> kable()
PC std.dev percent cumulative
1 26.12524 0.98628 0.98628
2 3.08084 0.01372 1.00000
pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "rotation") |> kable()
column PC value
speed 1 -0.1656479
speed 2 -0.9861850
dist 1 -0.9861850
dist 2 0.1656479
pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "scores") |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "PC", names_prefix = "PC_", values_from = "value") |>
  kable() |> scroll_box(height = 20)
row PC_1 PC_2
1 42.3022457 4.4542578
2 34.4127660 5.7794410
3 39.8329321 1.8269987
4 22.0816028 4.8086608
5 27.8330646 2.8285885
6 33.5845265 0.8485162
7 25.5293989 1.1875144
8 17.6399193 2.5126975
9 9.7504396 3.8378807
10 26.3499360 0.0356815
11 15.5019014 1.8578084
12 29.1428430 -1.4474471
13 23.2257332 -0.4535598
14 19.2809934 0.2090318
15 15.3362535 0.8716234
16 17.1429756 -0.4458574
17 9.2534959 0.8793258
18 9.2534959 0.8793258
19 -2.5807236 2.8671005
20 16.9773277 -1.4320423
21 7.1154781 0.2244366
22 -16.5529610 4.1999861
23 -36.2766602 7.5129440
24 22.7287895 -3.4121147
25 16.8116798 -2.4182273
26 -10.8014991 2.2199138
27 10.7289221 -2.4105249
28 2.8394424 -1.0853417
29 10.5632742 -3.3967098
30 2.6737945 -2.0715267
31 -7.1880550 -0.4150477
32 0.5357767 -2.7264158
33 -13.2708127 -0.4073453
34 -32.9945119 2.9056126
35 -40.8839916 4.2307958
36 6.2872386 -4.7064882
37 -3.5746110 -3.0500092
38 -25.2706801 0.5942445
39 10.0663305 -6.3552647
40 -5.7126288 -3.7048984
41 -9.6573687 -3.0423068
42 -13.6021085 -2.3797152
43 -21.4915882 -1.0545321
44 -23.7952539 -2.6956062
45 -12.1266823 -5.6695659
46 -28.0712895 -4.0053845
47 -49.7673586 -0.3611308
48 -50.7535436 -0.1954829
49 -77.3805375 4.2770102
50 -43.0297118 -2.5068510

We can perform these calculations “by hand” following the linear algebra instructions:

carsM <- scale(as.matrix(cars), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)  # If scale = TRUE, then use correlation matrix below
B1 <- cov(carsM)  
B2 <- (t(carsM) %*% carsM ) / (nrow(carsM) - 1)  # divide (M^T * M) by N-1 to get covariance matrix
[1] 26.12524  3.08084
          [,1]       [,2]
[1,] 0.1656479 -0.9861850
[2,] 0.9861850  0.1656479

The “scores” output is equal to the original data multiplied by the rotation matrix.

rotation <- pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "rotation") |> pull(value) |> matrix(2, 2)  
   # also available as  pca1$rotation
center <- cars |> summarize(speed = mean(speed), dist = mean(dist)) 
   # also available as pca1$center
scores1 <- pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "scores") |> pull(value) |> matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
scores2 <- scale(cars, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) %*% rotation
   # alternative: scores2 <- t((t(cars) - pca1$center)) %*% pca1$rotation

Now I’ll plot the data projected onto the principal components. Notice that it is wide and thin (especially compared to the previous plot) because the data have been rotated to arrange as much of the variation as possible in the horizontal direction.

pca1 |> tidy(matrix = "scores") |>
  pivot_wider(names_from="PC", names_prefix = "PC_", 
              values_from = "value") |>
  ggplot(aes(x=PC_1, y=PC_2)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed()

An easy way to display the results of the PCA is to make a biplot using the ggfortify package. The biplot shows the observations as black dots and the original axes as red vectors. The option scale=0 keeps the same scaling as in the original plot. In normal usage you would not have coord_fixed() in the original plot and you would not use scale=0 in this plot.

autoplot(pca1, data=cars, loadings=TRUE, loadings.label=TRUE, scale=0) +

Normal use of autoplot would be to allow changing the scale of the two principal components (scale = 1) and to allow the axes to be scaled independently of each other (no coord_fixed()):

autoplot(pca1, data= cars, loadings=TRUE, loadings.label=TRUE,
         scale=1, variance_percentage = TRUE)

The autoplot function is convenient and you can customize many features using the options in ggbiplot. I like to know exactly how a plot is drawn to check my understanding, so I’ll show you how to reproduce this plot using augment and ggplot.

We can make this plot (called a biplot) from the raw data by using a few scaling factors (lam, scaling) commonly used in these plots:

lam <- pca1$sdev[1:2] * sqrt(nrow(pca1$x))
scaling <- min(apply(abs(scores2), 2, max) / apply(abs(rotation), 2, max) / lam) * 0.8
ve <- pca1$sdev^2 / sum(pca1$sdev^2)
scores2 %>% as_tibble() %>% ggplot(aes(V1/lam[1], V2/lam[2])) + geom_point()  + 
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = V1*scaling, yend = V2*scaling), 
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.25,"cm")),
               color = "red",
               data = as_tibble(rotation)) +
  labs(x = paste0("PC1: ", round(ve[1]*100, 2), "%"),
       y = paste0("PC2: ", round(ve[2]*100, 2), "%"))

If all you want is the scores and you don’t care about the scaling, you can just use augment and ggplot:

pca1 |>
  augment(cars) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=.fittedPC1, y= .fittedPC2)) +   # divide by lam[1] and lam[2] to get the scaled version

21.2 Second example: penguins

The palmer penguin data have 4 quantitative variables. We will scale them all to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, since the units and magnitude of the numbers are not comparable. We will colour points by species to make the patterns easier to see.

autoplot has some quirks: the variable names must be quoted and colour must be spelled with a ‘u’. (Most ggplot functions allow for alternate spellings - color with and without a ‘u’, summarize with an ‘s’ instead of a ‘z’.) I don’t know of an easy way to use the ggrepel package with autoplot to avoid overprinting the text on the arrows or dots.

penguins_no_na = na.omit(penguins)
pca2 <- prcomp(penguins_no_na |>
                 dplyr::select(flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm),
               scale=TRUE )
autoplot(pca2, data = penguins_no_na, loadings=TRUE, loadings.label=TRUE,
         colour='species', shape='island')

This is the best separation between the data points using these four variables that can be achieved by a rotation of the data and projection into the plane.

Gentoo penguins are mostly distinguished by having the highest body mass. Adélie and Chinstrap penguins have similar masses, but are distinguished by dimensions of their bills and flippers. You can use frame.type to shade the areas containing data from each species to highlight where the points are concentrated (by color).

autoplot(pca2, data = penguins_no_na, loadings = TRUE, loadings.label = TRUE,
         colour = 'species', shape = 'island', 
         frame.type = "norm", frame.level = 0.90)   # frame.type convex, norm, euclid, t; see ?ggbiplot

Without a PCA, you could attempt to see these patterns by making a complex array of scatterplots for each pair of variables. This is a complex plot that takes time and effort to understand.

penguins_no_na %>% 
  dplyr::select(flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm, species) %>% 

Here is a customized ggplot of the PCA results. I simplifed the work in the first example by not using the conventional scaling; instead I just picked scales for the arrows that looked good.

rotation2 <- pca2 |>
  tidy(matrix = "rotation") |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = PC, names_prefix = "PC", values_from = value) 
pca2 |>
  augment(penguins_no_na) |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_point(aes(x = .fittedPC1, y = .fittedPC2, 
                 color = species, shape = island)) +
  geom_segment(data = rotation2, 
               mapping = aes(x = 0, xend = 3*PC1, y = 0, yend = 3*PC2), 
               color = "blue",
               arrow = arrow(angle = 20, type = "closed"))  +
  geom_label_repel(data = rotation2,
                  aes(x = 3*PC1, y = 3*PC2, label = column), 
                  color = "darkblue", fill = "#FFFFFF80",
                  arrow = arrow(angle = 20, type = "closed")) +
  labs(x = "PC 1", y = "PC 2")

21.3 Packages used

In addition to tidyverse, kableExtra and palmerpenguins, in this lesson we used

  • broom
  • ggfortify for PCA autoplot. Thera are autoplot methods for many kinds of data analysis, but there is no package with all the autoplot functions. Autoplot is a function defined in the tidyverse package, but you often need an additional package. For principal component analysis, you want the autoplot in the packge “ggfortify”.
  • GGally for ggpairs
  • ggrepel to add labels that don’t overlap data points

21.4 Further reading