p1 <- penguins |> plot_ly(x = ~ body_mass_g, y = ~ bill_length_mm) |>
add_markers(color = ~ species)
Advantages and disadvantages of dynamic graphics
When should you use dynamic graphics?
Application in this course
Show changes over time (in the data) over time (as perceived by the viewer)
Easy to make too complicated
Requires interaction and may not immediately make the point you want to make
Make a regular ggplot, then use a variable to show how it changes over time.
Easy to create with gganimate
. Make a regular ggplot, then use a variable to show how it changes over time.
Shown on next slide.
b = seq(from = 2500, to = 6500, by = 500)
anim1 <- penguins |>
mutate(size_class = cut(body_mass_g, breaks=b, dig.lab=4),
group=1:n()) |>
ggplot(aes(bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm,
color = species, group=group)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "Body mass in the interval {closest_state}") +
transition_states(size_class) +
enter_fade() + exit_fade() + my_theme
Dynamic and interactive graphics can be fun to create
Making good use of these features requires practice
Use sparingly! Think of your audience and goals
Good examples:
animation <- gapminder::gapminder |>
ggplot() +
geom_text(aes(label = format(round(year))),
x = 3.8, y = 50,
size = 40, color = "lightgray") +
geom_point(aes(x = gdpPercap,
y = lifeExp,
size = pop,
color = continent)) +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2") +
scale_size_continuous(trans = "log10") +
transition_time(year) +
labs(title = "Year {frame_time}", x = "GDP per capita ($, log scale)", y = "Life Expectancy", size = "Population", color = "Continent")