MDS: Multidimensional scaling

Andrew Irwin,



  • What is MDS and why do we use it?

  • Demonstration

  • Comparison with PCA

What is MDS?

  • A tool to convert a distance or dissimilarity matrix into a set of points in a plane

  • Can be based on distances (using one of many metrics) or ranks of dissimilarities, when it is called non-metric MDS (NMDS)

  • NMDS suitable if you can rank objects as being closer or farther away, but the scale of the quantification is skewed or not important

Cites on a map

MDS analysis

  • Use latitude and longitude of cities to compute distance between each pair

  • Use MDS on distance matrix to reconstruct relative positions

Cites on a map

MDS analysis

  • Use latitude and longitude of cities to compute distance between each pair

    • How do we compute that distance? Euclidean? Great circle?
  • Use MDS on distance matrix to reconstruct relative positions

Cites on a map

How and when to use MDS?

  • When you can compute the similarity of pairs of objects (or distance between pairs).

    • How similar are the species in two communities?

    • How similar are two countries based on economic development?

  • Columns are objects (sample locations, countries)

  • Be sure the observations (rows) are all measured in the same units

    • Abundance
    • Proportions
    • Scaling or transformation may be required

How is MDS different from PCA?

  • Both make plots of points on abstract axes

    • Possibly with arrows showing direction of change of other variables
  • Otherwise, completely different methods!

    • PCA is a rotation and projection of data to select linear combinations of original variables that highlight variation

    • MDS converts pairwise distance or dissimilarity matrix into relative positions

Further reading

  • Code for plots shown here are in the course notes
  • An additional example based on Morse code is in the notes
    • Data and analysis shows combinations of dots and dashes that are likely to be misinterpreted by recipient


  • Practice PCA and MDS methods