Finding data

Andrew Irwin,



  • Finding data

  • Asking questions that can be answered by data

  • Reading data

  • Checking data

  • Subsetting data (filtering observations, selecting variables)

  • Importance of metadata (source, units, how/why/when)

Where to get data?

  • R packages

  • Websites: gapminder, Our World in Data, Tidy Tuesday

  • Large repositories: Statistics Canada, OECD

  • Specialized repositories: Many COVID data repositories

  • Small collections made by individuals

  • Government “Open data”

  • Many, many, many more sources: google

What to look for?

  • A clear description of the data, how and why they were collected

  • Downloadable spreadsheets, comma separated variables files, text files

  • R packages to download data

  • GitHub repositories (and others:,, and many, many more)

  • A license or terms and conditions of reuse and redistribution

Example: gapminder

Example: gapminder

electricity <- read_csv("static/L19/electricity_use_per_person.csv")
electricity %>% 
  filter(str_starts(country, "[AM]")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(`2010`, fct_reorder(country, `2010`))) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Electricity use in 2010\n(annual kWh per capita)", y = "") + my_theme

Example: UN

Example: UN

Example: UN

forest_UN <- read_csv("static/L19/UNdata_Export_20210219_185253716.csv")
forest_UN %>%
  filter(Year == 2017, Unit == "1000 ha",
         str_starts(`Country or Area`, "[BU]")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = fct_reorder(`Country or Area`, Value))) +
  geom_point() + labs(x = "Forest area (1000 ha)", y = "") + my_theme +
  scale_x_log10() + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size=10))

Our World in Data



Addins > Paste as data.frame

  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
             Prov. = c("Total","BC","ON","QC","AB",
   Total.Confirmed = c("839,451 (arrow_upward1,950)",
                       "75,327","290,771 (arrow_upward1,150)",
                       "280,687 (arrow_upward800)","130,030","31,145","1,411","27,099",
      Total.Deaths = c("21,559 (arrow_upward61)",
                       "1,321","6,820 ( arrow_upward 47)",
                       "10,278 ( arrow_upward 14)","1,805","878","24","362","0","4","65","1",
   Total.Recovered = c("785,855 (arrow_upward2,439)",
                       "69,602","273,401 ( arrow_upward 1,255)",
                       "261,429 ( arrow_upward 1,184)","123,338","29,114","1,275","25,221",
      Total.Active = c("32,037 (-550)","4,404",
                       "10,550 (-152)","8,980 (-398)","4,887","1,153","112",
   Prov.             Total.Confirmed              Total.Deaths
1  Total 839,451 (arrow_upward1,950)   21,559 (arrow_upward61)
2     BC                      75,327                     1,321
3     ON 290,771 (arrow_upward1,150)  6,820 ( arrow_upward 47)
4     QC   280,687 (arrow_upward800) 10,278 ( arrow_upward 14)
5     AB                     130,030                     1,805
6     MB                      31,145                       878
7     NB                       1,411                        24
8     SK                      27,099                       362
9    PEI                         114                         0
10    NL                         803                         4
11    NS                       1,602                        65
12    YT                          72                         1
13    NT                          47                         0
14    NU                         330                         1
15    🚢                          13                         0
                 Total.Recovered  Total.Active
1    785,855 (arrow_upward2,439) 32,037 (-550)
2                         69,602         4,404
3  273,401 ( arrow_upward 1,255) 10,550 (-152)
4  261,429 ( arrow_upward 1,184)  8,980 (-398)
5                        123,338         4,887
6                         29,114         1,153
7                          1,275           112
8                         25,221         1,516
9                            112             2
10                           416           383
11                         1,524            13
12                            69             2
13                            39             8
14                           302            27
15                            13             0


  • What data were collected? (Column definitions, units, sampling)

  • Who collected the data?

  • Why were the data collected? (Purpose can influence utility)

  • How were the data collected? (Survey, random design or self-reported, experiment, methods)

  • When and where were the data collected? (Geographic, temporal scope)


  • Highlighted a few sources of data

  • Easiest case is a csv format file

  • Many R packages have data or have functions to retrieve data

  • Always examine your data to be sure it was read and interpreted correctly

  • Always look for metadata: units, how was data collected, who collected data, …

Further reading

Bonus Task

  • Find data online that you have not used before from a source in this lesson or anywhere else.
  • Download the data to your computer.
  • Read the data into R.
  • Make a simple plot of the data.